Dota 2: Keen Gaming Roster Revealed, LaNm to be Coach

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Dota 2: Keen Gaming Roster Revealed, LaNm to be Coach

Keen Gaming was one of the most awkward teams during TI 9. In fact, their entire performance prior to the event was very shaky – very dominant at first and nearly irrelevant during the last couple of tournaments. As expected, the team failed to achieve anything significant and got eliminated very early on.


Following their poor performance, KG decided to refresh their roster. Finally, they confirmed all the changes on their Weibo account.

The Chinese teams parted ways with three of their players – Wang ‘old chicken’ Zhiyong, Ren ‘eLeVeN’ Yangwei., and Hu ‘Kaka’ Liangzhi. Their substitutes will be Jiang An and Liu ‘Freeze’ Chang, who used to be a part of Team Aster. Last, but definitely not least, is Chai ‘Mushi’ Yee Fung. He is one of the veterans in SEA who can bring tons of experience to the newly formed squad.Speaking of experience, KG’s coach for the 2019-2020 DPC season will be Zhang ‘LaNm’ Zhicheng. Similar to Mushi, he is yet another old-school player who will surely be very useful to the squad. LaNm used to play for Royal Never Give Up at TI 9 where they got a very respectful top-eight finish.

In addition, he also has some experience in the coaching field as well. After all, Zhang used to coach EHOME and Vici Gaming, two of the strongest Chinese teams back then.

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