COD: Abezy Wins CDL All-Star Weekend

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COD: Abezy Wins CDL All-Star Weekend

FaZe comes out on top again, with aBeZy winning the All-Star Weekend.

The Call of Duty League saw the best of the best come together for a 1v1 Gunfight tournament in the All-Star Weekend. With McArthur “Cellium” Jovel not being able to defend his title this year, Chris “Simp” Lehr and Tyler “aBeZy” Pharris came to defend FaZe’s title, and aBeZy came out on top.

Abezy’s Road to Victory

Known as one of the best players in the league, it’s no surprise that aBeZy took home the All-Star win. Being an entry sub, his shots have to be on point, and he needs to win his 1v1’s. He proved that this weekend, as he began his run against Skrapz. A 2-1 win saw him move to the Quarter Finals, where he faced Standy. Two dominant 2-0’s against Standy and then Envoy put aBeZy in the Final.

Dashy was aBeZy’s final opponent. While you’d expect Dashy to dominate with the Sniper, aBeZy was too good and won back-to-back rounds with the Sniper and AR, taking the series 2-0. This win sees him take home $10K, and be crowned the 2021 All-Star Champion.